Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Technology Is Laziness Essay - 803 Words

English 101-Essay 3 Mr. Fisher July 5th 2010 Laziness as Pop Culture along with Technology Let’s face it, laziness due to technological advancements is part of our Pop culture and is causing downward trending of active people and has been an increasing issue. So what’s causing this rising laziness to grow exponentially? We as human beings have an urge to invent things daily that make our lives easier and eventually take physical labor out of the equation. Most look at innovation as humanity take a step forward, studies show that dramatic increases in laziness come from daily advancements. As the saying going to much of a good thing can be a bad thing, this is a prime example of just that; to many advancements are bad for the human†¦show more content†¦The human capacity for avoiding, ignoring, or casually dismissing even the simplest and least demanding of important tasks inspires awe. Were pathetic. Another example is something even smaller, remote controls for everything. â€Å"Making life easier is a very pleasant thing and I am all for it, but you have to look at some of the useless technology and what it has done to people today.† Ah yes, the object we spend more time searching for longer than what it would normally take us to just push a button on the television. This is one invention we really can do without. I mean, come on; today we have remote controls for almost everything: televisions, fans, and CD players. This is definitely an invention that has made everyone lazier. Seriously, is it that hard to push the button two feet away? This type of advancement directly contributes to our laziness issues, but I doubt anyone would give up their cable remote now that we’ve all become accustomed to there use. Lastly is more one of largest innovations of our time, and is perhaps the largest contributing factors in out new found laziness category in the new pop cult ure, With the internet available to anyone there is no limit as to what people can do. According to an article from Associated Content, â€Å"From online banking to internet shipping to paying your bills online, why do you need to leave the house, never less walk to the mail box to mail something. Everything you need is rightShow MoreRelatedIs Technology Contributing to Americas Laziness? Essays1219 Words   |  5 Pages Is Technology Contributing to America’s Laziness? Many people are spending their leisure times behind computers and tablets than they are being physically productive. Although, most of the new technologies have had many benefits to the advancements in the way in which we function efficiently in the world today; it also has contributed to the sedentary lifestyles for many adults and children. 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